Our Ethos
At the Bedford Nursery Schools Federation, all children and families are valued as individuals. Teachers and Early Years Educators support children's development, well-being and learning through play in a safe, caring and challenging environment.
“Celebrating and Strengthening Our Communities Together”
At the Bedford Nursery Schools we celebrate the diversity in our community. All the children, staff members, parents, governors and visitors will be treated with respect. Their individuality will be acknowledged and positive account taken of their gender, religion, ethnic and cultural origin, sexual orientation, age and disability. Discrimination will not be tolerated.
Through our Curricular Intention ‘To understand that they are part of a diverse community within Bedford, England’, children listen to a broad selection of stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems to foster their understanding of our culturally, socially, technologically and ecologically diverse world. We want all children and families to feel welcome in our schools, and we celebrate the differences and similarities between them. We actively challenge prejudice, whether linked to ethnicity, attainment, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, background or any other difference, so that every child can feel safe and happy with us.
At the Bedford Nursery Schools, children take part in a range of cultural festivals to enhance their learning about similarities and differences between themselves and others. This in turn supports our school values, including respect and kindness. They taste foods from around the world and learn words from their friends’ home languages. We have many different home languages spoken by our families whose backgrounds are from all over the world. Staff members learn key words from the children’s home languages to help them settle into nursery life. We talk to parents about ensuring they maintain home languages at home as part of their child’s identity and in recognition of the advantages of understanding and speaking more than one language.
Developing positive relationships with others, such as their key person and their peers, helps children to feel safe and secure as well as developing their sense of respect towards others. As adults we role model the type of friendly, polite and respectful behaviour that we expect from the children. We ask that you also model this behaviour with your child.
Bedford is a diverse community and we ask all parents to uphold our equality policy, so that everyone feels safe and valued, free of harassment, bullying or prejudice. We encourage parents to raise any concerns with us if they arise.